Net-zero energy districts: Connected intelligence for carbon-neutral cities

Net Zero Energy Districts (NZED) are city districts in which the annual amount of CO2 emissions released minus of emissions removed from the atmosphere tend to zero. NZEDs constitute a major component of a new generation of “smart-green” cities that combine smart city technologies and renewable energy technologies. NZEDs promote environmental sustainability; they contribute to…

Smart city technologies and testbeds for tourism-led cities

International Conference: “Legal Perspectives on the Internet” – Cyberspace, The Final Frontier? Concluding And Performing Agreements – 30th-31st of October 2021 The Faculty of Law of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iasi, Law Doctoral School in partnership with the Faculty of Computer Science, the National Institute for Training and Professional Development of Lawyers – Iasi…

Projects for intelligent and smart cities: drivers and barriers of cities transformation with digital technologies

Workshop of the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 19 June 2021 Abstract  Intelligent cities or smart cities evolve bottom-up along with the digitisation and the creation of digital entities linked to human activities, physical space, and institutional setting of cities; but also, they progress top-down through smart city strategies and projects…

Smart city projects from around the world: The ecosystem perspective

There are numerous reviews on smart city plans and projects that allow understanding what cities do to implement the smart city model. This is the case, for instance, of the book Technology and the city: Systems, applications and implications authored by Tan Yigitcanlar and published by Routledge (2016). Tan reviewed ten cities in Asia, Europe,…

Post-algorithmic smart cities

Mona Roman, director of innovation at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, wrote a review about our book Smart Cities in the Post-Algorithmic Era: Integrating Technologies, Platforms and Governance published by Edward Elgar. On this occasion, this note refers to the title of the book. Smart Cities in the Post-Algorithmic Era is a collection of…

RRI (responsible research and innovation): science or ideology in H2020

Last week, I encountered two events related to research and innovation. The University of San Diego has published a visual resource guide titled “Business Innovation and Leadership Lessons From 8 Revolutionary Entrepreneurs” which lists the most important measures of innovation that companies use. It is based on a survey carried out by PWC in 1200…

Requirements for Cities Transformation into Smart Ecosystems

The PPP of my talk in the workshop “Smart Cities digital transformation and digital competences for smart cities’ personnel”. The online workshop took place on Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 10:30 -14:30 (EEST). It was organised in the framework of the DEVOPS project, which aims to close the gap between today’s and future’s skills demand of…